Basic Rules:
- Games are first to 11.
- Pickleball can be played either singles or doubles.
- The double bounce rule is where the ball must bounce on both sides of the net before you can volley it.
- The area next to the net is called the non-volley zone (Kitchen).
- The serve must be hit underarm and below your navel/around waist height.
- When playing you can only score points when serving.
- Points are started on alternate sides. Right then left etc.

What is Pickleball?
Pickleball, which is quickly rising to popularity as one of the most beloved racquet sports worldwide, combines the best aspects of table tennis, badminton, and tennis into an entertaining game that appeals to players of all ages and skill levels.
Players use paddles to hit a plastic ball between each other on a court that is the same size as a badminton court but with a lower net. You can play singles or doubles, and it's a terrific way to meet new people or work out with loved ones.
There are several significant differences even if there are many parallels to tennis. For instance, you cannot play volleys from within the kitchen, and the ball must bounce once on each side before you may volley.
Pickleball in the UK:
Pickleball clubs first appeared in the UK in 2011, and the sport has since grown in popularity.
Pickleball is predicted to have over 12,000 players and 300 venues in the UK in 2023, and the game's popularity is only predicted to increase in the years to come.
What makes pickleball such a hit?
It's straightforward: pickleball is a fantastic kind of exercise, enjoyable to play, and easy to learn.
Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in Leicester. It is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels and is a great way to engage with friends and family while enjoying meeting new people.
The game provides a fantastic exercise and is thrilling and tough. A pickleball match can actually burn up to 250 calories.